Why I am no longer Torah Observant

I don’t ever remember a time in my life that I didnt believe. Though I went through the preverbal steps at age 9 after overhearing Billy Graham via my parents living room say, you were going to hell without Jesus from my bedroom one night. To sum up 65 years let’s just state my testimony…

Where do we go when we die?

‘Wow Emily…who are you to say? Why not write about canning peaches for the winter?’. Ummm…I haven’t canned since Jr high in Home Economics…so I think I’ll stick to topics that interest me. ‘So….you’ve died then’? Well, no. (Though I know a few that would like that). I still think I can tackle this as…

Getting out of the Boat

I struggle. I have entered an arena I have never entered before. I am comfortable in what I have done for over thirty years as I am good at it. I know how to make stuff. I can see something and almost know instantly how to make it. I love creating in just about every…